Verhne-Tulomskaya HPP, Russia

Verhne-Tulomskaya HPP of 268 MW (4 Kaplan turbines of 67 MW each) is a part of Tuloma Cascade of HPP and the Cascade of Serebryanskiye HPPs. The HPP is in operation since 1964.

i-Energy Power Expert Consulting Inc. carried out design works for HPP modernization including:

  • Development and approval of technical requirements for main, auxiliary and electrical equipment; choosing the most optimal variant for approval;
  • Development of schematic and detailed design for decommissioning and modernization of all hydro units of the HPP;
  • Design work on the reconstruction of auxiliary equipment and pipelines of technological water supply in BIM Autodesk Revit;
  • Visual inspection of hydromechanical equipment and technological systems with the provision of a conclusion on their condition and recommendations.
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